Senior School
Grades 9 - 12
Academic Excellence and Spiritual Development
The Senior School at Peoples Christian Academy allows students to strive for academic excellence and grow in spiritual development.
PCA is a university preparation school with a focus on expanding our students’ opportunities for post-secondary education and beyond. Students are challenged to push their academic limits and explore applications to learning. Inquiry based science in state of the art laboratories and computer program design are two examples of innovative learning. Please see examples of our courses here.
Woven into the PCA students’ experience is the foundation of our Biblical worldview. Students will investigate Christian perspectives on relevant cultural issues and grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. Students will have opportunity to worship and learn together at our weekly chapels as well as engage in daily Bible classes. Spiritual growth is further developed through teacher-student mentoring and leadership positions such as missions teams, community involvement, Student Council, worship leading, house captains, Athletic Council, sports teams, directors for our drama productions and other exciting opportunities.
Students are highly valued and supported in the PCA senior school. Faculty take exceptional interest in the progress and development of their students and are willing to go beyond class time to offer support when needed. Our senior school faculty is highly qualified, as all are Ontario Certified Teachers. Several teachers also hold additional advanced degrees.
Graduates from PCA’s Senior School consistently communicate to us that they were well prepared for their university programs. Comments from a recent graduate confirms this: “I want to thank you for preparing us so well for university!” and “I quickly realized how well you prepared us for uni(versity)!” (2014 Alum)
PCA is a caring and stimulating environment for Senior School students to be nurtured and challenged as they are equipped for exciting futures.
Foster Discipleship. Serve Christ.
At PCA Senior School, students are inspired to develop their potential to the fullest. During these important years, students reflect on what and why they believe and our teachers are there to discuss faith with them. More importantly, teachers walk the talk. PCA teachers, like any other Christians, do have challenges in life. However, they stand firm in faith regardless of the situations and their testimonies become an inspiration to the students and the larger PCA community.
Bible classes are mandatory for all Senior School students. They go through Christian classics such as The Pilgrim’s Progress and Case for Christ. At Grade 11, students learn about world religion and apologetics. They are equipped with the reasons, techniques and the desire to defend Christian truth and values wherever they may go.
At Chapel, students lead the worship under the direction of teachers. Worship is followed by Bible exposition and/or testimonies. We also arrange for mission groups such as CTI music ministries to come and share their work.
Missions – local and global
It is our desire at PCA that our students develop a heart for missions. This has been a priority since its origin under the leadership of Dr. Oswald J. Smith. Recalled to Life (R2L) is a program that assists in helping the needy in Toronto. This is usually done as a sandwich run, providing necessary nutrition as well as the Gospel of Christ. Senior School students also follow the Great Commission to go and make disciples. Each year, there will be at least one global mission trip. Starting in 2010, the PCA graduating class started to turn their graduation trip into a mission trip. The PCA graduating class, partnering with Caravan Ministries, goes to Mexico every spring to help build houses for the needy at Mexico.
PCA Senior School offers a wide range of university preparatory courses. Please click the link below to find the list of courses offered in previous years or courses that may be introduced in coming years. Courses may be added or dropped depending on enrollment numbers for any given course.
The total learning/growing experience in the Senior School incorporates both structured curricular programs and extra-curricular opportunities. Students enjoy a wide variety of such options through which they develop their skills, knowledge and talents as they grow in character. Under the leadership of coaches, students plan and organize events and assume leadership positions such as team captains, student council members and house captains.
The Arts
PCA Senior School Chorus – Fideles
The name Fideles originates from the French word, Fidèle, which means “faithful”. As a Christian school, our Senior School students dedicate weekly rehearsal times as a choir. Our choir meets regularly throughout the school year to practice for special occasions, such as Open Houses, Christmas Concerts, Christmas carolling, and Spring Concerts. Fideles consists of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass voices. Our goal is to use the gifts that God has given to bless those around us, as well as glorifying our Heavenly Father.
PCA students also meet weekly for orchestra practice. PCA orchestra has at least two public concerts every year.
PCA drama club is a group of drama lovers who direct, act, design sets, and manage stage. The PCA community enjoys its annual performance each spring.
Other activities include Art Club, DECA, Reach for the Top competition, yearbook club.
PCA Senior School participates in several sports leagues including ACSI, TDCAA, SSAF and OFSAA. Students have choices to participate in basketball, volleyball, badminton, track and field, soccer, running club, softball and ultimate frisbee. Our coaches provide exceptional training in teamwork, physical skills, fitness disciplines and sportsmanship.
The PCA running club meets regularly in the fall and spring. Students participate in different races as suggested by the coach.
Each winter, senior school students will enjoy a day of skiing, snowboarding and tubing at an Ontario resort.
Intramurals take place between the houses.
Science and Mathematics
PCA Senior School participates in a wide variety of science and mathematics related activities:
-Science Fair – Junior & Senior
-Competitions: Math, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Computer
Another important component of learning outside classrooms is the mission initiatives.
Community Involvement
All high school students in Ontario intending to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service over the course of their high school year. For general information regarding this diploma requirement and for lists of eligible and ineligible activities, please refer to the document here. In order for hours to be properly recorded, all students must hand in completed community involvement forms to the guidance office following their participation. Forms can be downloaded here.
At PCA, the attitude and lifestyle of serving and caring for others is nurtured both at PCA and at home from a young age. For the last 11 years, PCA graduates have completed on average 144 hours over the course of 4 years. Together they have accrued a total of 64,830 hours of community service which is equivalent to approximately 7 years of continued service.
PCA is a ministry inspected school.
For the past five years:
95% of PCA students successfully passed the Ontario Grade 10 Literacy Test compared to the Provincial average of 82%.
98% of our graduating class attended university, 1% attended college and 1% pursued other opportunities.
For the past eleven years:
PCA graduates have accrued 64,830 hours of Community Service. That is equivalent to over 7 years of continuous service.
The average number of Community Service hours by graduate was 144 hours. That is almost 4 times the number required by the Ministry of Education.
77% of PCA graduates were Ontario Scholars (achieving over 80% or higher in six Grade 12 U/M level courses)
Over 84% of the graduates who began at PCA from JK through Grade 5 (8-14yrs @ PCA) were Ontario Scholars.
Post–Secondary Program Choices
At least a third of PCA graduates in the last 10 yrs applied and were accepted into post-secondary programs in science. (This number may be higher because the many of the professional faculties and specialized programs are science based as well).
Almost a quarter of PCA graduates in the last 10 yrs applied and was accepted into professional faculties & specialized programs. (These often have more rigorous acceptance criteria than general programs.
Top 5 Post-Secondary Destination Choices in the last 10 years:
University of Toronto
Western University
University of Waterloo
York University
Queen’s University
Top 5 Post-Secondary Destination Choices in the last 5 years:
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
Queen’s University
Western University
McMaster University
Post-Secondary Destinations outside of Ontario include:
University of British
Trinity Western University
University of Alberta
Acadia University
Post-Secondary Destinations Outside of Canada include:
Liberty University
Carnegie Mellon University
King’s College London
Rhode Island School of Design
University of Hong Kong
Yonsei University
In the past ten years, our graduates pursuing post-secondary education have chosen to attend:
Acadia University
Albany College of Pharmacy
University of Alberta
American University of Antigua
Bethel University
Briercrest College and Seminary
University of British Columbia
Brock University
Capernwray Bible School (Greece)
Carleton University
Carnegie Mellon University
Concordia University
Fuego Christian College (Guatemala)
Guelph University
Humber College -King’s College, London
Lakehead University
Laurier University
Liberty University
University of Manchester
University of Manitoba
McGill University
McMaster University
OCAD University
University of Ottawa
Queen’s University
Queen’s (Bader International Institute)
Rhode Island School of Design
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Ryerson University
Seneca College
University of Sunderland, England
University of Toronto
University of Toronto
Rotman School of Business
Trent University
Trinity Western
Tyndale University College
University of British Columbia
Union College
University of Albany
University of Hong Kong
University of Ontario
Institute of Technology
University of Waterloo
Western University
Brescia College
Richard Ivey School of Business
Western University
King’s University CollegeWilfred Laurier University
Yonsei University (Korea)
York University
York University (Schulich School of Business)
Over the last 10 years, PCA graduates have been awarded a total of $272,750 in scholarships.
This total amount ($272,750) represents the sum of 92 scholarships accepted by PCA graduates in the last 10 yrs. (avg. scholarship amount: $2,965).
Senior School Faculty
Peoples Christian Academy (PCA) administration, faculty and staff are chosen for their ability to reflect the principles and values as outlined in our Philosophy of Education. These Christian faculty members are highly qualified and dedicated teachers who see their career choice as a ministry to impart Christian values to the next generation of leaders. Faculty and administrative staff participate in devotions and seek to be examples and mentors for the students. A code of conduct for staff is outlined in the appropriate manuals and handbooks. There is a strong partnership with parents to reinforce Christian and family values in the students’ lives. Some of our faculty members are even PCA alumni.
Vice Principal, Middle & Senior School
B.A. (Honours), B.Ed. - York University
M.Ed. - University of Toronto
Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT)
Ontario Principals Qualification Program (PQP) - Part 1
Guidance and Career Education Specialist
I love that PCA exists to educate the whole person—body, mind and spirit with equal emphasis and excellence. There is a wonderful rapport of genuine respect and care shared between teachers and students. We are a tight-knit community with an environment where students can and want to learn. PCA students and alumni are living proof that it is possible to receive a premium, high quality academic education while growing in character and in faith.
Guidance / English / Social Studies / MS/SS Resource Teacher
B.A. (Honours) – University of Waterloo
B.P.S. in Education – University of NiagaraBeing back at PCA is a testament to God’s perfect timing. Through the learning experiences, conversations, and moments of joy that happen each day with my students and colleagues, I am reminded of just how good our God is. It is a privilege to be part of a community that feels like family and to teach such wonderful young minds.
Physics / Mathematics / Chemistry / Family Studies
B. Sc - University of Toronto
B. Ed - Western UniversityProverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” I believe that PCA is a place in which our young people are nurtured, discipled, and equipped, not only with knowledge and skills, but with the Gospel. This is why teaching at PCA is important to me.
Mathematics / Technology
B.Sc. (Honours) - Queens University
B.Ed. - University of TorontoTrain up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) I strongly believe that other than parents, the teacher plays an important role in raising Godly children, and teaching at PCA has given me the opportunity to do so. Also, being able to take part in God's ministry by working with a team of loving and caring staff at PCA, who share the same vision in Christian education, has been a blessing to me, not to mention seeing growth in all those wonderful children too!
SS Teacher and Chaplain
B.R.E - Tyndale University College and Seminary
M.Div. - Tyndale University College and Seminary
D.Min. - Fuller Theological Seminary"Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4)
I am truly blessed to be part of PCA, where I have the privilege of teaching the Bible every day. Even more, I have the special opportunity to learn from each student. Their innocence, their moments guided by the Holy Spirit, and their willingness to be vulnerable inspire me to love God more deeply. As a Bible teacher, I pray they would follow Christ as I strive to do the same (1 Corinthians 11:1). I consider it both a gift and an honor to lead these students toward a deeper understanding of the gospel, and I pray they encounter the Lord Jesus in their daily lives.
Biology / Chemistry / World Religions
B.Sc., Yale University
Ph.D., University of Toronto
What joy to work at a school where everything we do remembers God’s underlying redemptive purpose and seeks to model a life of 3-fold fruit: achievement and progress, loving others and ourselves, and worshiping God. I am so thankful to be part of a team that equips students’ minds, encourages their hearts, nurtures their souls, and roots them in God’s Word and Grace so that they are blessed and can go out into the world to be a blessing. It’s an inexpressible privilege to participate in GOD’s workmanship and help students grow in all manners of Christ-likeness and excellence, while encouraging them to shine His Light, share His love, extend His reconciliation, and intercede in prayer! All that while sharing life, laughter, and pizza.
Lead Teacher, Senior School
Business / Economics
B.A. – Western University
M.Div. – Tyndale University
B.Ed. – University of TorontoTeaching at PCA is important to me because I believe the Scriptures place the highest value on our children and we are called to be people who follow God's Word. As we follow God's Word, we have the opportunity to invest in the whole student: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and academically. We have the privilege to take part in how God desires to build up the next generation of His church, and there is no greater calling than that.
English / Children's Literature & Film / Head of Guidance
B.Sc. – University of California, San Diego
M.Ed. – University of California, Los Angeles
M.A. Candidate – Fuller Theological SeminaryI became an educator because I love working with young people, empowering them to think critically about their learning and to apply this in living humbly, loving mercy, and doing justice in their contexts. PCA offers the unique opportunity to truly teach the whole child—mind, body, and spirit. Having previously worked mainly in the public sector, I am grateful for this gift. I love PCA’s vision of training young people to live out their callings and to follow Jesus in the transformative work of loving our neighbours both locally and globally.
Additionally, the PCA community must be experienced to be believed. There is such a strong culture of love, respect, and excellence. I am privileged to work among colleagues who have become brothers and sisters and who daily live out the principles we teach.
Grade 9, 10, 11 Visual Arts
B. Design - OCAD University
Geologist, Gemology Institute of America
B.Ed - Western UniversityI love our faith in Jesus Christ and God is the heart of everything we do at PCA. It truly motivates and inspires me every day to work with so many incredible teachers and students. As an art teacher, I have the privilege and joy of helping students express their individuality and uncover the beauty of God through art.
B.Sc., B.Ed. – University of TorontoWorking at PCA is an incredible blessing from the Lord. I have the great privilege of teaching mathematics from a Christian perspective, helping students understand abstract concepts and fundamental truths that stem from the wisdom of God. I believe education encompasses much more than academic success, and at PCA I have the freedom to disciple young men to grow in their knowledge and their love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and to live for His glorious kingdom purposes.
B.A, B. Ed - Calvin College
OCT, Special Education SpecialistI believe teaching is not just an occupation, it is a calling. It is a privilege to interact with students each day and to be able to use my God-given skills and talents to engage them in learning about His world. I am blessed with the opportunity to be a positive role model and prepare my students for a life of faith as followers of Christ. As a devoted Christian teacher, I know that love is the most powerful force. It is love that changes students’ hearts. Demonstrating real, genuine love to every student is what I strive to do each day. This is my first year at PCA and it is such a warm community of parents, students, and fellow staff members. I am so blessed to be a teacher at this school.
Grade 10 Science, Grade 12 Physical Education, Kinesiology, Recreation & Healthy Active Living
B. Sc. - University of Guelph
B. Ed. - Tyndale University CollegeThe world we live in is becoming increasingly complicated and complex. Students are constantly bombarded with various opinions of truth which can lead to confusion or further questions. I am thankful that PCA believes in educating the whole child, which allows teachers and students to freely discuss those challenging issues through the lens of the Gospel in a space that is safe and respectful. By taking a holistic approach to education, PCA helps to better prepare students to serve the Lord in various capacities in order to reach all nations for His glory. (Matthew 28:19)
B.A. (Honours), B.Ed. – Queens University
Master of Theology – Tyndale UniversityWorking at PCA is so important to me, because the lives of our young people are so precious and the task of raising Godly children in today's society is increasingly daunting. Most children will spend more waking hours a day at school than at home. It is so critical that we are entrusting our children during this time to people who love the Lord and who will faithfully impart to them Biblical truths and values. It is such a privilege to be part of a ministry that seeks to do just that.
I personally see the fruit of PCA's ministry as my own children come home from PCA with worship songs and Bible stories on their lips. I know that what they are learning at home is being daily reinforced in a loving, Christian environment that will provide a solid foundation for life.
English / Law / International Business
B.A - York University (Humanities)
MTS - Tyndale University (Theology)
B. Ed - Tyndale University (History)My mission statement that I developed from a young age is to ’spiritually and intellectually motivate future leaders.’ It is a blessing to be part of the PCA family where I can help empower students to reach their potential. God has called me to teach and has called me here to PCA. I am excited to live God’s call to provide the students with both intellectual and spiritual encouragement.” "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
Geography / Civics / Physical Education / Leadership
B.A., B.Ed - York UniversityBeing on staff at PCA has been an incredible experience and gift from God. I have the blessing of not only educating and equipping students with academic skills and knowledge, but the opportunity to mentor and make disciples for His kingdom. God has continued to humble me through PCA as I am constantly reminded that my role as an Christian educator goes beyond classroom management, and curriculum. This is truly a gospel-centered community and while teaching the gospel is important, at PCA I am able to live it out and walk with my students on their spiritual journey. It is my prayer that as I continue my career that my love for the students would be rooted in my love for Christ, and that I would teach in a manner that exalts Christ.
Grade 9 Math / Science
B. Sc. (Honours) in life sciences - Queens University
J.D. - Harvard Law School
M.T. - Ontario Institute for Studies in EducationI feel truly privileged to be part of the PCA community. I hope to be guided in my teaching practice by Jesus's words, 'As I have loved you, so you must love one another' (Jn. 13:34). Prior to joining PCA, I worked at Greenwood and Upper Canada College, both private schools in the Toronto area. I also practiced briefly as a U.S. corporate tax attorney before beginning my career in education.
Chemistry / Computer Science / Bible / Media Arts
B.Sc., B.Ed. - Queens University
(PCA Alumna)I love working at PCA because I can be authentic about myself and my faith at school, with the goal of pointing my students to Jesus. At PCA, I can use God's Word to teach, rebuke, correct and train my students, which makes my investment in their lives so much more meaningful and long-lasting.
Biology / Applied Journalism (Yearbook) / Data Management / Science
B.Sc. (Honours) - York University
B.Ed. - University of Toronto
(PCA Alumna)PCA allows me to build Christ-centered relationships. As a science teacher, I have the opportunity to point my students to the wonder of creation by demonstrating the care and design that God has invested into all life. As a journalism teacher, I recognize that both truth and beauty are rooted in God’s character. So, too, my students must pursue both truth and beauty in their reporting of school events and in the design of our publications. The process of producing the yearbook provides students with the opportunity to explore God’s faithfulness in our school.
English / History / Drama / Career Studies
Middle School Chapel
B.A. - University of Toronto
B.Ed. - York UniversityAs Christians, we need to go where God calls us; I feel truly blessed to have been called to teach at PCA. Teaching here allows me the opportunity to serve God by serving the next generation, to love the students as He first loved me. As a husband and a father of four, family means the world to me. That's really what the PCA community is: a family.

I look back fondly on my time at PCA as it was absolutely foundational to everything I have done since graduation. The academics were very strong and the spiritual grounding was essential as I learned so much about the Lord, the Bible and missions.
-Tim Strickland, Lead Pastor at Waverly Road Baptist Church