Senior Missions Blog
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
Matthew 28:19
Thank you to all who supported our 2023 Boston Missions Team! It is through your financial generosity and prayers that our team was able to share the Gospel to the diverse communities of Boston. To God be the glory!
Read about our journey and view the picture gallery below
Friday, February 23rd, 2023
Thank you for supporting our 2023 Boston Missions Team!
See 2023 Boston Missions for pictures
Saturday, April 15th, 2023
Thank you to our families and to Mr. A for making the trip to the airport and praying a blessing over our team before we boarded our flight.
Thank you to everyone back home who are faithfully praying for our time of ministry in Boston. We will update you regularly. -
Sunday, April 16th, 2023
Dear Supporters,
We are in Boston!
By God’s grace, our air travel and border crossing went very smoothly. We met our host Eric, from Open Air Campaigners, and we are now settled at the church in Weymouth, where we will be training and staying. The team spent the evening practicing their stories and songs. Everyone is happy, healthy and excited for the week ahead.
Thank you to the many PCA students who wrote us encouragement notes and for your continued prayers. We ask you to pray for us as our team begins ministry training and launches our week-long Kid’s Camp on Monday. The forecast is calling for rain in the early afternoon but we pray that God will blow the rain clouds away so that we can still gather with the children outdoors.
Boston Missions Team -
Monday, April 17th, 2023
Dear Supporters,
Today was our first day of ministry in Boston. The morning was spent training with our host from Open Air Campaigners, Eric. We shared our testimonies of God’s saving grace. It was so encouraging to hear of God’s goodness to our students and those we are ministering with in Boston. We have been learning that God is the Great Missionary who has been seeking a people for his glory and he will not let his word return void, even if it seems like we are having no impact. Through a shared testimony of a brother named Pat we were reminded God’s Word will bring his salvation. Pat shared about how during his time in the military he had a Christian roommate who was sharing the gospel with another roommate. Pat pretended not to be interested but God was actually using his Word to bring him to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. A short time later Pat came to believe in Christ’s saving work and has been serving as a youth minister for the last 44 years in Boston. Whether here in Boston or home in Toronto we are called to share the story of God’s salvation. Our host Eric was also encouraged by the student testimonies and was really excited by their transparency and willingness to share the spiritual struggles we face in our walk with the Lord. Let me share two brief stories of God’s further goodness to us today.
First, the weather was cool, cloudy and rainy this morning. We left our homebase, First Baptist Church, to invite the children in the neighbourhood to a kids camp at 4pm. Due to the weather, most people were inside. We gathered in the park where the camp would begin and prayed for God to keep back the rain and bring children so we could minister to them. God answered our prayers. The rain held off and the turn out for the first day despite the clouds was really great. Second, our team did an amazing job of moving from training to actual ministry. All members of the team were so welcoming and engaging with the children. A young boy named Xander was crying and was lovingly cared for by our team with motherly love. We sang, played games and taught the children how Noah found grace. After supper we headed to our new home to prepare for the next day. Pray that more children would come tomorrow and we would continue to share with joy God’s saving grace through the sharing of the Tower of Babel.
Boston Missions Team -
Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
Dear Partners in Ministry,
Thank you to the PCA community for your continued prayers and love for us. Today, after receiving training and instructions from Eric in the morning, we had our first experience doing street evangelism on the Northeastern University campus in Boston. We prayed for divine appointments and the opportunity to speak with students about faith and the gospel. In two teams we spread out and handed out tracks, some copies of John’s Gospel, and a few Bibles. It was encouraging to see our students step out of their comfort zone, despite their nervousness, to engage others in conversations about Jesus. Some of us had some very interesting discussions with Muslims, atheists, former Christians, non-believers, Jews and local high school students from Boston. We each came away thankful for the experience and a little more at ease with how to participate in street evangelism. We pray that God would cause the seeds planted today to grow.
After a quick lunch at an oceanfront park, we headed back to Weymouth to set up for our daily kid’s camp. Yesterday, we had encouraged the kids to return with new friends, and some of them did! Each day at kid’s camp, our students take turns to lead a game of hangman to teach the children a new memory verse and we present an engaging object lesson that compliments the Bible story for the day. Today’s story was about the Tower of Babel and how God’s plan cannot be stopped. As you can see in the photos, we ended our time together with a game of PieFace today which caused outbursts of laughter from everyone!
Please pray for us as we do more street evangelism tomorrow morning in downtown Boston and continue our kid’s club in the afternoon. God has been so gracious and our students are happy and healthy.
Boston Missions Team -
Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
Dear Friends,
We began the morning with a devotion from our host Eric, who reminded us that God himself, as we seek him, fills us with joy. It was truly a busy but joyful day as we went to downtown Boston to do street evangelism. We were downtown meeting the Bostonians and the weather was cold. One of our hosts was wearing a toque! While serving near Boston Commons we had another amazing morning handing out tracks and having conversations. It was encouraging to see our students continue to step out of their comfort zone. We also learned how to engage with people by observing our OAC hosts Eric and Chris. A few of us had lengthy conversations with people walking by. May God bring his saving grace to these individuals and use the literature that points to Jesus Christ to draw them to his grace. After warming up with a hot lunch we experienced Boston rush hour traffic as we headed to our kid’s club. We had fewer children today, perhaps because of the colder temperature, but it was so exciting to see the children bonding with our students who continued to exceed in loving the children. Today’s story was about Abram and how “he believed in the Lord” to keep His promise despite Abram’s circumstances. We finished up with a competitive game of tug of war that enticed some middle school boys to join in.
Tonight we had the privilege of meeting some of the leaders of Gracepoint Ministries, a church plant serving the many college students in Boston. They provided us with pizza and bubble tea and had four of their church mentors share testimonies with our students. It was a meaningful time of fellowship and encouragement. We hung out for a while playing ping pong and some musical instruments.
Please continue to pray for us as we head out for our final day of street evangelism on the Boston University campus. Pray that the college students will be willing to engage in meaningful conversations and that our students will be bold in approaching them. Pray also that the children who missed kid’s camp today will return tomorrow.
Boston Missions Team -
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Dear Supporters,This morning our devotion focused on the imperatives set out in Matthew 28:19 – 20: go; make disciples of all nations; baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and teach to obey all that Jesus commanded us. We pray that God will bless not only our proclaiming of the Good News, but also the work of the local church here in Tampa as they will continue the work of teaching to obey all that Jesus commanded.
Our team spent time at the University of South Florida with the purpose of engaging students with the Gospel. At times, the Gospel was shared in “open air” using sketch board evangelism by Eric, Richard, and Andrew. Throughout, tracts and DVDs of the life of Jesus were handed out by the rest of the team. At first, the thought of approaching students on the campus and engaging them in Gospel conversation was daunting, but by the grace of God our team was blessed with many opportunities to do so! Some of the university students were very open to hearing the Gospel and some were even open to being prayed for! Please pray for these students.
We had a wonderful afternoon at Kids’ Camp during which the message of God’s judgement and mercy towards the sin of Adam and Eve was shared. We have been so encouraged throughout the week by the faithfulness of many of the children in attending each Kids’ Club each day, bringing their homework, and even memorizing the Bible verses. Tomorrow will be our final day with these children whom we have come to love dearly. We pray that tomorrow, all the children will come so they can hear the message of how Jesus died for our sins through the story of Cain and Abel.
In the evening, our team had the privilege of joining in a potluck dinner and Wednesday Night Worship of Calvary Church, the church we have been staying at. It was truly a time of refreshing to be able to sing praises to God and pray with the church. Our team was so blessed to also be included in being prayed for by the church.
As we head into our final days of ministry here in Tampa, please pray for us. May God give ears to hear and eyes to see to the people whom we will encounter.
Friday, April 21st, 2023
Dear Supporters,
It’s hard to believe that today was our final full day in Boston and we will be heading home tomorrow. Our morning began with a time of devotion, sharing and prayer. We studied the example of Apostle Paul and his experiences in Acts 17 to help us reflect on our time of ministry in Boston, the ways our spirits have been stirred by God and how we will continue to respond to His call when we return home. We then spent time praying for each child who would be attending the Kids camp later that afternoon by name.
In the morning we went sightseeing in Boston. We visited D.L. Moody’s Memorial and a few historical sites on the Freedom Trail including the Old State House, the site of the Boston Massacre and Faneuil Hall. We had lunch at Quincy Market where students had the opportunity to buy some souvenirs and try local Boston food like clam chowda!. After lunch we took a guided tour of the historic Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox and the oldest active ballpark in Major League Baseball.
At our final Kids Camp in the afternoon, through the sharing of songs, the object lesson and the story of the “Sacrifice of Isaac”, our students shared how God provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac that day on the mountain, but God did something even greater for us when He gave his only son to be our substitute so that we could be saved. Our team then spent time reviewing the gospel presentation one-on-one with each camper and many of our students had the opportunity to lead the children through prayers to invite Jesus into their hearts. Praise the Lord!! God is Good! On an interesting note, many of the younger campers who attended most of the week did not attend. Instead we had a number of older students who were able to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel message join us for the first time. We are reminded that God has a purpose and a plan for each of us and it is He who has the power to save.
After a nice dinner at a local seafood restaurant, we returned back to our homebase to rest and pack. Tomorrow we will spend time in the morning debriefing the week and packing up before we head to the airport at 1pm. Thank you for your support and prayers this week! We will see you soon!
In Christ,
Boston Missions Team -
Saturday, April 22nd, 2023
Dear Supporters,
Today is our final day in Boston! God has been so good and so gracious. This morning some students made pancakes and we enjoyed some home made Maple Syrup from a US host from New Hampshire. After our final debrief and prayer we packed up and had one final meeting with Eric and shared our thanksgiving for him and his ministry. It was so encouraging to hear our students share with Eric how they have been encouraged and grown this past week, strengthened in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are about to board our plane. Our flight is on time and we look forward to landing in Toronto around 6pm tonight.
Please pray for our final stretch of the journey and we may continue to be stirred to testify of God’s amazing grace to us in Jesus Christ. May we keep sharing the love of Jesus as we head to our home mission in Toronto at PCA. We are so proud of our students who received praises from Eric and many other Americans for their teamwork and care for one another and those we ministered to.
Thank you for journeying with us,
Boston Missions Team

“We love because He first loved us.”