Jesus Walks, JS Walks

JK1 class posing with their teacher at the back of the school.

The Junior School students were excited to get out there! Some walked while others ran! All that energy put towards the greater purpose of raising funds to build up our school. With the money raised, indoor and outdoor improvements will serve the community for many years to come! Let’s go PCA!

Teacher is look back at her JK students as they pass by the water bottle station at the front of the school.
Junior students holding hands as they walk laps around the school.
Mr. A walking with a number of junior school students.
Junior students smiling at the camera, while one student holds a sign reading "Lap 5"
Junior school students do a special pose together underneath the school flag poles.
Junior students posing for the camera, while one students holds bunny ears above two other students' heads.

Eagles Nation, Rise Up!


The Walk is On!