Eagles United in Game

This week our grade 7/8 lady Eagles competed in their annual Middle School basketball tournament hosted at PCA. Our team did exceptionally well finishing in third place with a win/loss record of 4 wins and 2 losses. 

We started the tournament with a strong win by double digits, where the victory was never in doubt. Our girls moved to 1 win and zero losses.

We then had a very challenging task; to play the two toughest opponents in back to back games.

Our girls battled in a very tight defensive game against Brampton. Both teams went back and forth, but the size and skill of the opponent point guard was too much for PCA. Our team fell by 3 points to move to 1 win and 1 loss.

The emotional drain of a close loss came into play in our next game. Our team got off to a slow start. The Richmond Hill guards had a stellar performance which lead to another Eagles loss. After three games we sat at 1 win and two losses. 

The lunch break provided some time to regroup before three straight games in the second half of the day. We knew that wins in the remaining games would clinched a solid third place. The girls felt confident as our losses were to two highly skilled teams, who were the eventual 1st and 2nd place finishers.

Our first game post break was never in doubt. Our team regained their confidence with layup after layup with a dominant win by over 40 points. 2 wins and 2 losses.

That overwhelming victory made all the difference in attitude in the final two games. Wins were never in doubt in games five and six, with Eagle wins by more than 10 in both. That put the team at 4 wins and two losses and third places.

Our girls did phenomenally well, and we couldn’t have been prouder of them all! All 11 girls scored throughout the tournament. 

Angelina and Verena both scored over 20 points, and Sierra, Joysie and Christine and Candice all finished in double digits. 

Shannon and Celine contributed with stellar defence, Fiona with some excellent point guard play, Natalie with some spectacular screening plays and Naomi was a strong defensive presence around the basket.

The ladies worked incredibly hard all season to prepare and should be very proud of their finish. 

Special thanks to Mrs. Aspinall for organizing the event and coaching. And also big thank yous to Mr. Sirota and the custodial team for getting the facility prepared for this event. 

With 9 of the 11 girls off to high school, we wish them the best of luck, and are excited for our two remaining players to help lead the team to a top three finish again next year. 

Go Eagles!

Mr. P. Westacott


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